Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Me and Charity, Continue....

           After my last post on Alicia Silverstone, things aren't going very good at this end. I sat down to paint but hardly any new inspirations has hit me lately. Even the one I am working on right now, I couldn't find the strokes I needed in me. So, I am kind of unemployed here on Facebook and twitter (hahaha).... Anyway, as I am a little free today and tomorrow, I wanted update what had happened after my last show.

Medium:  Acrylic on Canvas.
Size: 24x36 Inches
Not For Sale 

           Its been quite a lovely journey. Two paintings done, as gift. One for lovely friend of mine which is till lying here in my room but I cannot post the picture of it yet, because my friend doesn't want me to post the pictures until she sees it first. So, I am kind of still waiting for her to collect it soon. I will update the picture as soon as she collects it.
           But here is the picture of the painting I painted for the children home. (The picture quality is bad and now I wish I had a phone with a better camera, blackberry camera s**ks. Anyway, here is what I could come up best with some editing).
      Very recently, I met one of my long lost childhood friend on facebook after almost 14 years. Its was heart warming and we exchange our phone numbers. Then, one evening he call me up and we spoke for nearly an hour over the phone. During this conversation, he told me that he and one of his uncle was running a children home for unprivileged kids. And as I found out that some of the children at the children home were very interested in paintings but have no clue how to start or most likely no opportunity. So, I assure my friend that maybe I could do something about that. And I told him that I was willing to paint the kids one painting as it was not possible for me to physically down go there and teach them (or at least at this point of time) as my friend live in another city.

          Later it seems my friend conveyed the message to the kids and the kids were very excited about my painting (and I was very excited too) and my friend also told me that they even wanted to see me (I hope that plan works out very soon). Well, this is what I came up with for them. My childhood dream to own a modified Ambassador car (no, still I don't have one).

         Last heard the kids were too excited to see the final work. Wow!!! I am even more excited then them.

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