Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fantasy Revisited

          Fantasizing a fantasy, I think, was a better part of my childhood. I was good at it. Or least, that was the only one thing I could do when I was being left behind. I didn’t have a lot of friends as a kid. My elder brother and sisters were more of a friend to me than anyone else was. That was how we were being raised. Not that I am complaining about this friendship, actually I am proud of it, but when your only friends are trying to catch up with their teenage and you are too small to understand anything about it at all, gaps eventually nudge out. Now you know what this “left behind” I was talking about before. So during those days I had two options. One, pick up a book and read which I will not understand a thing unless every page has a picture in it. Or two, play my mind the way I want it. I pick the later.
Mermaid by @my_popart via twitter
          I remember those days when, just before going to sleep, I just have to close my eyes and travel to all this places no one has ever seen or heard, until I actually finally fall asleep. Or even better, climb the roof of our family washroom (because that was only place I could climb at that time) and feel the setting sun while I am lost somewhere in some of my own private galaxy. Goosebumps!!! I use to have a bunch of these (magical world) between which I switch from time to time, but not in order. Whatever comes first, was the trick. Then Disney decides to play “The Little Mermaid” series on the TV. Then, it was heaven. Now I will not even start with that 1984 movie “Splash”, because that will take us to some “not openly talk about” phase of this fantasizing fantasy. Or maybe someday I will, but not now. For now, let’s just stay clean. Ahahaha…

          “I have heard the call of it. I didn’t know what it was but I know it was calling me and I have to find it whatever it takes. So, I set out on my journey. I have traveled for days and I have travelled far. This is a place where no one has ever been before or from where no one has ever returned. It looks like an island but was much more small and scattered. The clouds are forming and thunderstorms are gathering, thick and dark. It’s getting dark and I know I was lost. I was scared. Then I realized I was not alone. I saw a figure of a woman lying on a rock just above the sea level. It was hardly moving. At that moment I didn’t realized she was injured and couldn’t move and needed my help. I was terrified instead, but I didn’t have an option. So, I call out for an answer but I go no reply except for a very small movement that I almost missed it. I had to row my canoe closer and face whatever it was.

         She was scared, I saw from her eyes. She wanted me away. I should have left her alone there but I couldn’t afford to do it. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and she would have died if I left her alone. I feed her, she wouldn’t eat. I gave her water, she wouldn’t drink. I didn’t know what to do but I knew that was what I had to do. She was dying and I was crying. But one day, she decided to eat and start drinking from my hands. Very soon, she was well and we were swimming. She tells me of her story and about her people. She gives me breath underneath the water. She takes me to places that I had never seen before. She teaches me things that I would have never learn. We were deeply in love and we were happy. Soon I might turn into something like her (I thought) and we could live forever. But I was wrong. One day she tells me she had to go. I was sad and I cried. She comforted me but in vain. Then she tells me she will visit me as she could take a human form. That was our only option as I couldn’t take a form like her. Then she left”. She was a mermaid. For more details, please consult my childhood…ahahaha….

          Now if you change that plot into a ship shipwrecked and I was the one injured and the mermaid taking care of me. I have been there too. Think of it as a sequel from my imagination. Sounds like a Hollywood movie now, don’t you think so? (lol) except mine has less cinematography and visual effects. But trust me, it’s way more fun.

          Damn imagination!!! I was bad at it (lol)...

          Jokes apart, yes Mermaids were one of my favorite fantasies. Somehow I grew up with them but now it’s almost lost. Maybe partly because the world has proved that mermaid never existed. I started believing in that, until recently.

          Well, I will not talk much about these videos, a two documentary covered out by Animal Planet, (some of you might have seen it before) on mermaids because as much as it sounded real or fake to me, to some it will sounds as much as fake or real. So it’s a personal take. I found out that it’s more interesting to actually watch this video, if watch the second part first. Unfortunately, the only file I found of the second part of this documentary is not available for US viewers and so blogspot will accept it here. Anyway, the links of the Part I and Part II is given below and you can watch part by part if it allows you to. But here I am embedding the combined full episode. Enjoy watching :)

Last Word: Imagine a magical world and I will be there with you.


  1. I loved your story. You make a good case for their existence. Love you much!

  2. Awww...Thank you Big Sis. I am glad you like it. Love you so much too xxx :)

  3. This is very interesting... You're a great storyteller :)
    Have a nice end of week

    1. Awww....Thank you Suzanne. You are too kind. I a glad u feel it that way. And yes please you also have a great and blessed weekend. xxx :)

  4. Great story friend, it took me back to the fantasies of my childhood and how nice it was to sit and dream, to believe in the possibilities of so many things. With adulthood comes the disappointment that some of these things may not be real, and no time to just let your mind wander...have a blessed week tool Julie Schuster (Sketches by Julie)

    1. Thank you Julie and i am glad this post gets you a way to revisit again that part of our beautiful lives. I know, many things has turned into so many disappointment as we grew up, but still we don't regret it. Thank you and you have a blessed week. xxx :)

  5. When I was little, I thought there were people living inside the stereo that were playing the music, little tiny people. Then I had an imaginary friend, the saddest day is when I forgot about him. The strangest fantacy, was I believed that "Puff the Magic Dragon"was about a little boy and his stuffed animal daragon, that ceased to exist when Johnny grew up, and Puff slipped off into his cave. I love imagination, its as real as u believe in it. It feeds a void, the empty spot in our heart. I believed in Santa Clause, tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny, I felt deceived, let down when I learned of their non existance. So to rescue a Mermaid and find comfort and excitement to your life is your very own jeanie in a bottle. We all have had a fantacy at one time or another, the saddest part is when they come to pass, and much like Puff, their scales fall like rain while they slip off to their caves, with grief, because they to have suffered a loss.

    1. Thank you Leslie for dropping by again, you are always supportive. Love u. And awww....little people in stereo, that's so cute and so funny at the same time. You had an amazing childhood and i think we need to sit down one day and talk endlessly about this fantasy thing. I need to hear from you. Ahahaha...And yes its so sad our adulthood has betrayed us. So many tiny little cute things we have forgotten. And awww...i think, they didn't suffer a lost, they just went to their magical land, so we could revisit one day. Blessed Day xxx :)
