Friday, May 24, 2013


          A small time gangster decides to leave behind everything that was once his and start a brand new life with the country girl his parents had arranged marriage for him. Don’t exactly remember the years, but three kids later, I was born. It was not a very classic love story but that was how the story was. Four more kids followed but two died as an infant. But this part of the story is not for today.

Title: Random Me
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 
Size: 30x24 Inches 
Price: Please contact the artist directly. 
Signed and dated at the bottom left hand corner. 

          I was born so tiny that to imagine growing up as a man sounded like a joke, of course it was a good joke.  Then I found my second love within the lines and pages of some random book my big sister bought and it stayed. Soon, I started keeping journal but most of the pages ended up blank. I started writing down some random stories but never got completed. That was the love story.

          Year 1997, a civil riot divided our family into three. My father, my mom and me. My father; because he couldn’t quit his job, so he stayed with my older brother and sister who were in college. My mom; because it was not safe to stay in the town with the civil riot gaining momentum, so she shifted to our now permanent place with my two little brothers. And me; because I had to swap places between mom and dad’s because I was through quarter at school where my dad was and also trying to adjust shifting to a new school where mom relocated. Now it’s all settled.

          Physics was what I should have and math is what I graduated with. It all happened in New Delhi. Then my first love decided to come back again in my life. As expected, we fell madly in love again, romancing between colors and canvas. I quit my job. The journey continues.

          Last Word: Randomness is everywhere and this life we live is a very small part of this very big randomness, I think.